What Really Engages Human Curiosity?

Published: June 2024

Ok my thoughts are a bit scattered here. I am thinking about this in regards to social media and how engagement happens in that sphere as well as in the grand sphere of life.

But what really engages the human curiosity?
Is it really just about learning how the world works?
To find out where the heck we came from and why we exist here?

Deeper than just the yearning to learn – I believe curiosity serves as a mechanism to meet our various needs, both basic and complex.

Curiosity is more than a simple urge to gather understanding. It's a profound drive that shapes our very existence. From the moment we can speak, we start asking questions. As children, we constantly seek to understand the world around us, often bombarding our parents with an endless stream of "why" questions. This quest for understanding continues throughout our lives, evolving into more complex inquiries.

Beyond the physical world, our curiosity often turns inward, grappling with existential questions. Where do we come from? Why are we here? These are not just idle musings but fundamental questions that drive much of human thought and culture. Our need to find answers to these questions reflects a deeper yearning for meaning and purpose in our lives.

We are fascinated by the mysteries of the universe, from the tiniest subatomic particles to the vast expanse of space. This curiosity pushes us to explore, discover, and innovate, constantly expanding the boundaries of our knowledge.

So what does curiosity really have to do with meeting our needs?

At its most basic level, curiosity helps us survive. Early humans needed to understand their environment to find food, water, and shelter. This drive to understand and manipulate our surroundings is hardwired into our brains.

Beyond survival though, our curiosity seeks to fulfill psychological needs. We are driven to understand our emotions, the emotions of others, and our social environments. This understanding helps us form connections, build relationships, and find our place in the world.

Social media is a modern outlet for curiosity.

In the digital age of today, social media has become a significant channel engaging our curiosity by tapping into our need for connection and information.

Social media satisfies our curiosity about others' lives, allowing us to see and relate to their experiences. This creates a sense of belonging and acceptance, fulfilling a deep-seated social need.

We are also curious about how others perceive us. Social media provides a platform for validation, where likes, comments, and shares become a measure of our social worth and engagement.

These platforms are endless sources of information, constantly updating with new content. Our curiosity keeps us scrolling, eager to learn and stay informed about the latest trends and news.

So… I believe I was really inspired to write about this because I realized in reading comments from others about reels on various topics, that people bind together in a sort of 'crowd mentality' where they feel a sense of acceptance or belonging – but only in their sphere of thinking… and why? Because people like to feel supported because when they feel supported they feel safe. Our instincts are geared towards feeling safe so that we can survive…

But I think that that's the most basic need that we are all stuck in. Why are we stuck in this mode? The majority of the world seems stuck in this mode.

It's almost like we are stuck in the root chakra and although there are many who are trying to better themselves in a higher, spiritual sphere, on the whole it feels like the world is still in survival mode… and only certain individuals have ascended from survival mode.

But more than the duality of life and all within it, we can fluctuate at times but where we allow ourselves to stay matters. I mean, I can be going along just fine, but I know I'm fine because I'm not sick, and then I could get sick, and I want to be fine again so I strive to do everything I need to so that I can be fine again. Or, if I'm doing really well at work and then all of a sudden I lose my job, I move back into a scrambling survival mode… but I won't stay there. I want to get back and get higher than I ever could before.

Ok, so how did I get all the way here? Read it all again. Ask questions of yourself, or shoot me a thoughtful question, positive comment, or constructive feedback. That's all I am open to. No negativity – not even passive negativity in case you want it all back. Newton's Third Law. I’m not saying an eye for an eye because that only makes the whole world blind. (That’s for another blog!)

Allow curiosity to lead you to a place that encourages a growth mindset and ultra understanding.

Allow it to encourage lifelong learning and adaptability which are crucial for personal development and resilience.

Allow it to build in you empathy and understanding in order to break down barriers and bring us closer together to create a more compassionate and interconnected world so that we can move beyond the root chakra of basic survival mode.

Nurture healthy curiosity to fulfill our human needs and connect with others so that we can contribute to the ultra understanding and collective growth of humanity.