Level Up People. Level Up Already

Published: August 2024

Do you look at life this way?
Life's tests — all of the challenges exist to see if we are ready to move up to the next level.

If we are not, we get tested again and again to build up our experience so that we can get better and better.

That's why things in life are so connected - including testing in schools and testing in games to see how much we know, how much we have learned, and if we are ready to move up to the next level.

I've flunked so many of life's tests.
I've avoided so many of life's tests.
In actuality I've been keeping myself from leveling up lol.
Why? Am I afraid I can't handle the next level? Do I think maybe I'm not ready? Is it fear of failure or fear of success? Am I staying in my comfort zone because it feels safe? And the list goes on and on…

But here's the thing about leveling up: it's not about being perfect or never failing. We have to learn to be okay with what we look at as mistakes. Don't beat ourselves up about our mistakes but learn and grow stronger each time. The fear of the unknown, of potentially not being ready, can hold us back, but it can also be a sign that we're on the brink of something great. If we never take the leap, we never discover what we're truly capable of.

In the gaming world, leveling up often means gaining new skills, unlocking new abilities, and facing tougher challenges. We embrace these challenges, learn from mistakes, and continuously strive to improve. When we apply this mindset to the real world we can view life's challenges as opportunities to gain experience and grow.

Every time we face a new test, we have the chance to learn, adapt, and grow. It's not about passing every test with flying colors but about the courage to face them, even when we feel uncertain or scared. The real failure lies in never trying, in staying stuck in the same place because it feels safe.

Remember, leveling up is a continuous process. It's about striving to be better than you were yesterday, not about reaching some final destination. So, let's face those challenges, learn from them, and keep moving forward.

Let's view life as a game that's filled with quests and challenges designed to test our limits and expand our horizons. Just as in games where we choose our character's path, in life, we have the power to decide how we approach each challenge. We can choose to see obstacles as barriers or as stepping stones to greater achievements.
The characters we admire in games aren't flawless, but they persist, adapt, and grow stronger with every setback. In the same way, we should see ourselves as the heroes of our own stories, capable of evolving and improving through every experience.

Incorporating elements of gaming into our lives can also add an element of fun and motivation. Setting personal "quests" or challenges can make the process of growth more engaging. For example, we can set specific, measurable goals and reward ourselves upon achieving them, much like leveling up in a game. This gamified approach can make the journey of self-improvement feel more like an adventure and less like a daunting task.

I see life as an open-world game where we are constantly presented with opportunities to grow, learn, and transform. From this perspective we can navigate the ups and downs with resilience and a positive attitude. So, let's not shy away from the challenges. Instead, let's equip ourselves with the mindset and tools to tackle them head-on and level up in every aspect of our lives.